The Diagnosis is Cancer: Can Words Kill?
Th. Ahlert, J. Beier

Previous chapter: Literature



Dr. Ahlert:

About us:

Thorsten Ahlert

I have been working in the field of cancer therapy and cancer research for 20 years, treating many cancer patients with new and experimental therapies (immunotherapies). I have always been interested in the psychological aspects of cancer, and followed these up with my patients. I have also participated in Vipassana meditation courses and retreats. I have been practising Vipassana meditation for 26 years, for 1.5 - 2.5 hours daily.

Jutta Beier

Some years ago I got involved with Vipassana meditation and participated in several retreats. The Vipassana meditation technique makes use of the complementarity of soul and body. This was particularly interesting to me as a physicist, because I'm dealing with - inter alia - the relationship of mind and matter.